Children’s Museum Tucson: Wee World & Art Studio

Children’s Museum Tucson: Wee World & Art Studio

Studies have shown that 90% of a child’s critical brain development occurs in approximately the first five and a half years of life. With this in mind, we worked closely with the museum’s team to create a variety of exhibit areas that support their program initiatives as well as promoting imaginative play environments.

Together we created a wonderland of unfamiliar terrain and materials for children to explore and discover through visual and tactile play. The climbing castle and forest deck with suspension bridge and slide, engage children to take risks in addition to aiding the development of gross motor skills.

There are many areas of surprise designed to stimulate curiosity, role play, literacy, and creativity.  There is even a special place where you can drive through the countryside in your own carrot car!


  • Design
  • Fabrication
  • Installation